AE 03: Joining prognosticators

Application exercise

September 13, 2024


Go to the course GitHub organization and locate the repo titled ae-03-YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME to get started.

This AE is due September 12 at 11:59pm.


seers <- read_csv("data/prognosticators.csv")
weather <- read_csv("data/weather-region.csv")

Prognosticator success

We previously examined the accuracy rate of Groundhog Day prognosticators.1 Today we want to work with the original dataset to understand how those accuracy metrics were generated and answer the question: How does prognosticator accuracy vary by climatic region?

1 See ae-01

Let’s start by looking at the seers data frame.

Rows: 1,710
Columns: 7
$ name            <chr> "Punxsutawney Phil", "Punxsutawney Phil", "Punxsutawne…
$ forecaster_type <chr> "Groundhog", "Groundhog", "Groundhog", "Groundhog", "G…
$ alive           <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, …
$ town            <chr> "Punxsutawney", "Punxsutawney", "Punxsutawney", "Punxs…
$ state           <chr> "PA", "PA", "PA", "PA", "PA", "PA", "PA", "PA", "PA", …
$ year            <dbl> 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, …
$ prediction      <chr> "Early Spring", "Late Winter", "Late Winter", "Late Wi…

We have the predictions, but our goal is to make a visualization by climate region.2

The nine regions as defined by the National Climatic Data Center and regularly used in climate summaries.

Join the data frames

Let’s take a look at the weather data frame.

Rows: 5,568
Columns: 13
$ region         <chr> "Northeast", "Northeast", "Northeast", "Northeast", "No…
$ state_abb      <chr> "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", "CT", "…
$ id             <dbl> 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, …
$ year           <dbl> 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1…
$ avg_temp       <dbl> 28.00, 29.20, 24.90, 23.15, 28.05, 22.05, 27.50, 21.55,…
$ temp_hist      <dbl> 25.58333, 26.09000, 26.16667, 25.85667, 25.63333, 25.52…
$ temp_hist_sd   <dbl> 4.245360, 4.241218, 4.103158, 4.124311, 3.907804, 4.016…
$ temp_sd        <dbl> 4.154767, 4.154767, 4.154767, 4.154767, 4.154767, 4.154…
$ precip         <dbl> 4.005, 2.520, 2.810, 3.570, 3.765, 2.920, 2.330, 3.425,…
$ precip_hist    <dbl> 3.476667, 3.526667, 3.378000, 3.411000, 3.446333, 3.352…
$ precip_hist_sd <dbl> 1.1784719, 1.2081292, 1.1442431, 1.1620681, 1.2039309, …
$ precip_sd      <dbl> 0.9715631, 0.9715631, 0.9715631, 0.9715631, 0.9715631, …
$ outcome        <chr> "Early Spring", "Early Spring", "Early Spring", "Late W…
  • Your turn (2 minutes):
    • Which variable(s) will we use to join the seers and weather data frames?
    • We want to keep all rows and columns from seers and add columns for corresponding weather data. Which join function should we use?
  • Demo: Join the two data frames and assign the joined data frame to seers_weather.
# add code here

Calculate the variables

  • Demo: Take a look at the updated seers data frame. First we need to calculate for each prediction whether or not the prognostication was correct.
# add code here
  • Demo: Calculate the accuracy rate (we’ll call it preds_rate) for weather predictions using the summarize() function in dplyr. Note that the function for calculating the mean is mean() in R.
# add code here
  • Your turn (5 minutes): Now expand your calculations to also calculate the number of predictions in each region and the standard error of accuracy rate. Store this data frame as seers_summary. Recall the formula for the standard error of a sample proportion:

\[SE(\hat{p}) \approx \sqrt{\frac{(\hat{p})(1 - \hat{p})}{n}}\]

# add code here
  • Demo: Take the seers_summary data frame and order the results in descending order of accuracy rate.
# add code here

Recreate the plot

  • Demo: Recreate the following plot using the data frame you have developed so far.

# add code here
seers_summary |>
  mutate(region = fct_reorder(.f = ______, .x = ______)) |>
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = preds_rate, y = region)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(size = preds_n)) +
  geom_linerange(mapping = aes(xmin = ______,
                               xmax = ______)) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) +
    title = "Prognosticator accuracy rate for late winter/early spring",
    subtitle = "By climate region",
    x = "Prediction accuracy",
    y = NULL,
    size = "Total number\nof predictions",
    caption = "Source: Countdown to Groundhog Day & NOAA"
  ) +
Error: <text>:3:37: unexpected input
2: seers_summary |>
3:   mutate(region = fct_reorder(.f = __
  • Your turn (time permitting): Make any other changes you would like to improve it.
# add your code here