Lab 02 - Data wrangling


This lab is due September 18 at 11:59pm.

In January 2017, Buzzfeed published an article on why Nobel laureates show immigration is so important for American science. You can read the article here. In the article they show that while most living Nobel laureates in the sciences are based in the US, many of them were born in other countries. This is one reason why scientific leaders say that immigration is vital for progress. In this lab we will work with the data from this article to recreate some of their visualizations as well as explore new questions.

Learning goals

In this lab, you will…

  • use data wrangling to extract meaning from data
  • continue developing a workflow for reproducible data analysis
  • continue working with data visualization tools

Getting started

  • Go to the info5001-fa23 organization on GitHub. Click on the repo with the prefix lab-02. It contains the starter documents you need to complete the lab.

  • Clone the repo and start a new project in RStudio. See the Lab 0 instructions for details on cloning a repo and starting a new R project.

  • First, open the Quarto document lab-02.qmd and Render it.

  • Make sure it compiles without errors.

Team submission

All team members should clone the team GitHub repository for the lab. Then, one team member should edit the document YAML by adding the team name to the subtitle field and adding the names of the team members contributing to lab to the author field. Hopefully that’s everyone, but if someone doesn’t contribute during the lab session or throughout the week before the deadline, their name should not be added. If you have 4 members in your team, you can delete the line for the 5th team member. Then, this team member should render the document and commit and push the changes. All others should not touch the document at this stage.

title: "Lab 02 - Data wrangling"
subtitle: "Team name"
  - "Team member 1 (netID)"
  - "Team member 2 (netID)"
  - "Team member 3 (netID)"
  - "Team member 4 (netID)"
  - "Team member 5 (netID)"
date: today
format: pdf
editor: visual

Warm up

Before we introduce the data, let’s warm up with some simple exercises.

  • Update the YAML, changing the author name to your name, and render the document.
  • Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message.
  • Push your changes to GitHub.
  • Go to your repo on GitHub and confirm that your changes are visible in your .qmd and .pdf files. If anything is missing, render, commit, and push again.

Reminder on standard expectations


As we’ve discussed in lecture, your plots should include an informative title, axes should be labeled with appropriate units indicated (e.g. %, $), and careful consideration should be given to aesthetic choices.

In addition, the code should not exceed the 80 character limit, so that all the code can be read when you render to PDF. To help with this, you can add a vertical line at 80 characters by clicking “Tools” \(\rightarrow\) “Global Options” \(\rightarrow\) “Code” \(\rightarrow\) “Display”, then set “Margin Column” to 80, and click “Apply”.


We’ll use the tidyverse package for much of the data wrangling. This package is already installed for you. You can load it by running the following in your Console:



The dataset for this assignment can be found as a CSV (comma separated values) file in the data folder of your repository. You can read it in using the following.

nobel <- read_csv("data/nobel.csv")

The descriptions of the variables are as follows:

  1. id: ID number
  2. firstname: First name of laureate
  3. surname: Surname
  4. year: Year prize won
  5. category: Category of prize
  6. affiliation: Affiliation of laureate
  7. city: City of laureate in prize year
  8. country: Country of laureate in prize year
  9. born_date: Birth date of laureate
  10. died_date: Death date of laureate
  11. gender: Gender of laureate
  12. born_city: City where laureate was born
  13. born_country: Country where laureate was born
  14. born_country_code: Code of country where laureate was born
  15. died_city: City where laureate died
  16. died_country: Country where laureate died
  17. died_country_code: Code of country where laureate died
  18. overall_motivation: Overall motivation for recognition
  19. share: Number of other winners award is shared with
  20. motivation: Motivation for recognition

In a few cases the name of the city/country changed after laureate was given (e.g. in 1975 Bosnia and Herzegovina was called the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia). In these cases the variables below reflect a different name than their counterparts without the suffix _original.

  1. born_country_original: Original country where laureate was born
  2. born_city_original: Original city where laureate was born
  3. died_country_original: Original country where laureate died
  4. died_city_original: Original city where laureate died
  5. city_original: Original city where laureate lived at the time of winning the award
  6. country_original: Original country where laureate lived at the time of winning the award

Get to know your data


Pick a member of the team write the answer to Exercises 1 and 2. All others should contribute to the discussion but only one person should type up the answer, render the document, commit, and push to GitHub. All others should not touch the document.

  1. How many observations and how many variables are in the dataset? Use inline code to answer this question. What does each row represent?

There are some observations in this dataset that we will exclude from our analysis to match the Buzzfeed results.

  1. Create a new data frame called nobel_living that filters for
  • laureates for whom country is available
  • laureates who are people instead of organizations (organizations are denoted with "org" as their gender)
  • laureates who are still alive (their died_date is NA)

Confirm that once you have filtered for these characteristics you are left with a data frame with 228 observations, once again using inline code.

After the team member working on Exercises 1 and 2 renders, commits, and pushes, another team member should pull their changes and render the document. Then, they should write the answer to Exercise 3. All others should contribute to the discussion but only one person should type up the answer, render the document, commit, and push to GitHub. All others should not touch the document.

Most living Nobel laureates were based in the US when they won their prizes

… says the Buzzfeed article. Let’s see if that’s true.

First, we’ll create a new variable to identify whether the laureate was in the US when they won their prize. We’ll use the mutate() function for this. The following pipeline mutates the nobel_living data frame by adding a new variable called country_us. We use an if statement to create this variable. The first argument in the if_else() function is the condition we’re testing for. If country is equal to "USA", we set country_us to "USA". If not, we set the country_us to "Other".

nobel_living <- nobel_living |>
    country_us = if_else(country == "USA", "USA", "Other")

Next, we will limit our analysis to only the following categories: Physics, Medicine, Chemistry, and Economics.

nobel_living_science <- nobel_living |>
  filter(category %in% c("Physics", "Medicine", "Chemistry", "Economics"))

For the following exercises, use the nobel_living_science data frame you created above. This means you’ll need to define this data frame in your Quarto document even though the exercises do not specifically tell you to create it.

  1. Create a faceted bar plot visualizing the relationship between the category of prize and whether the laureate was in the US when they won the Nobel prize. Interpret your visualization, and say a few words about whether the Buzzfeed headline is supported by the data.

    • Your visualization should be faceted by category.
    • For each facet you should have two bars, one for winners in the US and one for Other.
    • Flip the coordinates so the bars are horizontal, not vertical.

After the team member working on Exercise 3 renders, commits, and pushes, another team member should pull their changes and render the document. Then, they should write the answer to Exercise 4. All others should contribute to the discussion but only one person should type up the answer, render the document, commit, and push to GitHub. All others should not touch the document.

But of those US-based Nobel laureates, many were born in other countries

  1. Create a new variable called born_country_us in nobel_living_science that has the value "USA" if the laureate is born in the US, and "Other" otherwise. How many of the winners are born in the US?

You should be able to cheat borrow from code you used earlier to create the country_us variable.

After the team member working on Exercise 4 renders, commits, and pushes, another team member should pull their changes and render the document. Then, they should write the answer to Exercise 5. All others should contribute to the discussion but only one person should type up the answer, render the document, commit, and push to GitHub. All others should not touch the document.

  1. Add a second variable to your visualization from Exercise 3 based on whether the laureate was born in the US or not. Create two visualizations with this new variable added:

    • Plot 1: Segmented frequency bar plot

    • Plot 2: Segmented relative frequency bar plot (Hint: Add position = "fill" to geom_bar().)

    Here are some instructions that apply to both of these visualizations:

    • Your final visualization should contain a facet for each category.
    • Within each facet, there should be two bars for whether the laureate won the award in the US or not.
    • Each bar should have segments for whether the laureate was born in the US or not.

    Which of these visualizations is a better fit for answering the following question: “Do the data appear to support Buzzfeed’s claim that of those US-based Nobel laureates, many were born in other countries?” First, state which plot you’re using to answer the question. Then, answer the question, explaining your reasoning in 1-2 sentences.

After the team member working on Exercise 5 renders, commits, and pushes, another team member should pull their changes and render the document. Then, they should write the answer to Exercise 6. All others should contribute to the discussion but only one person should type up the answer, render the document, commit, and push to GitHub. All others should not touch the document.

  1. In a single pipeline, filter the nobel_living_science data frame for laureates who won their prize in the US, but were born outside of the US, and then create a frequency table (with the count() function) for their birth country (born_country) and arrange the resulting data frame in descending order of number of observations for each country. Which country is the most common?

After the team member working on Exercise 6 renders, commits, and pushes, all other team members should pull the changes and render the document. Finally, a team member different than the one responsible for typing up responses to Exercise 6 should do the last task outlined below.


Once you are finished with the lab, you will submit your final PDF document to Gradescope.


Before you wrap up the assignment, make sure all documents are updated on your GitHub repo. We will be checking these to make sure you have been practicing how to commit and push changes.

You must turn in a PDF file to the Gradescope page by the submission deadline to be considered “on time”.

This is a team submission. Everyone in the team should contribute to the assignment.

To submit your assignment:

  • Go to and click Log in in the top right corner.
  • Click School Credentials \(\rightarrow\) Cornell University NetID and log in using your NetID credentials.
  • Click on your INFO 5001 course.
  • Click on the assignment, and you’ll be prompted to submit it.
  • Mark all the pages associated with exercise. All the pages of your lab should be associated with at least one question (i.e., should be “checked”).
  • Select all pages of your .pdf submission to be associated with the “Workflow & formatting” question.
  • Follow the Gradescope instructions to include all your team members on the submission.


Component Points
Ex 1 6
Ex 2 6
Ex 3 8
Ex 4 6
Ex 5 8
Ex 6 8
Workflow & formatting 8
Total 50

The “Workflow & formatting” component assesses the reproducible workflow. This includes:

  • Having at least 3 informative commit messages
  • Each team member contributing to the repo with commits at least once
  • Following tidyverse code style
  • All code being visible in rendered PDF (no more than 80 characters)
  • Appropriate figure sizing, and figures with informative labels and legends
